Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Since I Have A Minute...

Time is always a precious commodity.  Any spare minute should be invested wisely.

But I've had a hard time doing that lately. And it comes at a time when capitalizing on "free time" is of the utmost importance, because "spare time" is in short supply.  I do not have a free weekend for the rest of the month--including the one after Thanksgiving--due to basketball tournaments.  Every week day I go to work at 7:00 or 7:30 and leave around 6:00 or 7:00, due to basketball practice.

But today practice it out early because we are hosting a volleyball tournament game.  So I sat down to make up work I missed today (did I mention I was out on a field trip and so I'll be playing catch-up) and thought, "I have a little time to myself."

Immediately, I remembered that I still have to vote, still have to workout, and have some tasks to catch up on at home.

So is life.  For those of you waiting on an update about the Maine trip, or just hoping to get caught up on the happenings of my life I'm afraid you'll just have to wait.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Jay, I'm just glad to know that you're still alive!!
