Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Hero Falls

My whole life I have wanted to be a hero.  When I was little, I used to dress up like Zorro and zoom around the church parking lot on my bike.  When I was in junior high, I fell in love with comic books and superheroes.  As an adult, I have come to regard Don Quixote as the greatest hero of all: mad enough to believe that, though he is small and frail and largely inadequate, he can make a difference.   Within every hero is one common thread: a likeness to Jesus in laying down one's life for the good of another.

In the movie "The Dark Knight", Bruce Wayne asks his butler, "People are dying, Alfred.  What would you have me do?" And Alfred responds by saying, "Endure, Master Wayne.  Take it.  They'll hate you for it, but that's the point with Batman.  He can be the outcast.  He can make the choice that no one else can make: the right choice."

In my favorite episode of "Scrubs," the Blanks sing a capela versions of cartoon theme songs, and at the pivotal moment of the show, they sing the theme to "Underdog": "Now unleash the dog of wonder, tearing evil spawns asunder...Underdog."  At that moment Dr. Cox steps up and acts like the hero that J.D. has always considered him to be.  He does the right thing, even though it's uncomfortable for him

There is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend, humanly speaking.  Jesus trumped even such heroic love by giving his life for his enemies.

But today I think of Mr. Incredible.  Within the first five minutes of the movie, Mr. Incredible steps away from public service...he stops being a hero...because mankind won't let themselves be saved.  In court, he bursts out in anger against his litigant, "I SAVED YOUR LIFE!!" and the ungrateful man screams back, "You didn't save my life, you ruined my death, that's what you did!"  How can one continue to be a hero when the one in danger won't be rescued?  You can throw the life preserver to the drowning man a million times, but if he is determined to drown you will eventually end up wasting your time.

I wanted to be a hero.  I wanted to fight to the end.  I wanted to endure.  But I have to lay that romantic notion aside.  I must let things come to an end.  The hero within me, at least in this realm, will retire.


  1. Such a sad story! Alas, but it is true to life! Even Jesus can't save those who will not be saved!


    1. Being a hero isn't saving the drowning man, it is the effort and the self-sacrifice saving the man will require of you.....and more. From my perspective, an individual is truly a hero when he fights amidst great pain and adversity, against insurmountable odds, showing immense courage and extraordinary selflessness simply for the good of those around him.
      Let's say you saved the man from drowning, what is to stop him from falling back in only for you to rescue him again? He has only learned that what he does matters little, because you are there to save him. You don't prevail when you save the man alone. You prevail when the man lives a long prosperous life and understands why he is able to do so. You'd certainly help that man much more by not throwing out a preserver at times. As a result, you force him to understand why his actions are foolish. You wanted to be a hero, fight to the finish, and endure? Have you not? I suppose heroism is commonly perceived as an act of human greatness displayed within a secluded incident....but I think the attributes that make a hero what he is - a hero - are always there. Occasionally, the few that have what it takes to be a hero, are put in a position to validate to themselves and those watching that they are indeed that heroic SOB we all thought he was (need I reference the picture I have in my entry way). You have come to the end, but only the end of your very crucial part of God's plan. You were every part the man I've always thought you were and more. The rest of the work needing to be done will come through one with far greater power to change anyone for good!
      To me, as I've witnessed your struggle from beginning to end, you are nothing less than a real-life example of the hero I hope I can be if I'm ever put to the test. I hope I could fight with as much passion and fervor. I hope I could show as much strength and courage. I hope I could be as selfless and wise. I hope I could be the leader you have been for your boys.

      I hope I would endure as you have.....

      - Your Brother J
