Monday, October 24, 2011


They say time heals all wounds.

Nearly six months ago I was hit by a car.

Nearly four months ago my wife left me.

According to the surgeon who saw me today, the fracture in my left leg has healed completely.  The pain I still feel in my knee is to be expected and may persist for up to a year or even indefinitely.  Still, those wounds are healing.

According to my therapist I'm handling my separation in a healthy, mature way.  The absence of someone I love is emotionally draining, and while I'd like to say that the wounds are healing, I know that the pain may persist indefinitely.

I haven't written about it in such a public forum before because I've been hoping and praying that she would return.  Last week she told me she does not want to, but would rather file for divorce.  It seems, then, that this is for real.  This is really it.

So here's to healing.  By God's grace, I pray it continues to come.


  1. It's so sad to hear about the increasing sense of finality. I don't really know what to say -- except that we mourn with you. And we love you

  2. Jay,
    It hurts just to hear you say it. May you heal well. May that go for your boys, too.

